Terry R. Guebert Becomes a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers

Terry R. Guebert was Inducted into American College

November 2003


The American College of Trial Lawyers invited Terry R. Guebert to become a fellow of the organization.

Fellowship In The College
The American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL) is composed of preeminent members of the Trial Bar from the United States and Canada and is recognized as the leading trial lawyers organization in both countries. Fellowship is extended only by invitation, after careful investigation, to those experienced trial lawyers who have mastered the art of advocacy and whose professional careers have been marked by the highest standards of ethical conduct, professionalism, civility and collegiality. Membership can never be more than 1% of the total lawyer population of any state or province.

Mr. Guebert began his legal career as a JAG officer in the United States Air Force. After serving in the military for five years, Mr. Guebert began his private practice career. Mr. Guebert has been a practicing attorney since 1976.


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